I made this picture yesterday. Yesterday was Sunday. I struggle with Sundays: I know they are supposed to be restful and that I should be doing things I enjoy, rather than work. I enjoy photography — so much so, inf fact, that I have made it my work. So now my question is if I should bne doing photography on Sundays or not?
Yesterday I decided I'd try to combine a little devotion time WITH photography. I went to Clingendael, a park in The Hague, where I attempted to catch the sunlight as it set on the trees that are now turning color. I wanted to create images that reflect my desire to meet with God.
Meeting with God is a struggle for me — in lots of ways. This image reflects that.
It reflects in in that this image is hard to create. Photographing into the sun is hard to do. In fact, this image was created by combining 9 exposures (!) into one through HDR wizardry.
It reflects it in that the bench is empty. So often I feel I come to God and it feels like a one-sided conversation. Like I am only talking to myself.
It also reflects it in the golden sunlight that is all around. A friend of mine has me reading 'The Shack' again. Yesterday I came to the part where it describes that the spirit of God is always all around us. I feel that in this image.
I know God invites me to sit with him and to share my heart. And for me to hear his heart. But this image is my invitation to him. It says: I've come to this place — will you meet me here?
Wow, mooie foto en wat een eerlijke tekst. Bedankt!
Posted by: Martijn | Saturday, November 10, 2012 at 09:24 AM
Funny, I'm somewhat struggling with my faith recently (well, that part is not funny) and last Sunday I had a talk with someone in Church and we discussed the very same thing. That God (or His Spirit if you will) is all around is. And oh boy, if you were able to live with that knowledge 24/7, how wonderful would that be. How intense everything would be. Very beautiful photo btw!
Posted by: Fu | Tuesday, November 27, 2012 at 04:45 PM